
Showing posts from 2016

Document Upload in Azure Cloud with ASP.Net MVC

Configure Azure storage connection string To configure your connection string, open the web .config or app.config file from Solution Explorer in Visual Studio.Add below line in <appSettings> tag of your config file. Replace "your account name" with the name of your storage account, and "your account key" with your account access key: < add key = " StorageConnectionString " value = " DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<your account name>;AccountKey=<your account key> " /> Parse the connection string from Config file The Microsoft Azure Configuration Manager Library for .NET provides a class for parsing a connection string from a configuration file. below is example that shows to retrieve a connection string from a configuration file: CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount .Parse( CloudConfigurationManager .GetSetting( "StorageConnectionString" )); Above line w

Export excel and Pdf with Kendo UI MVC c#

Export to Excel and Pdf Export excel and pdf is now a days a basic needs of clients for saving reports or tables data. Kendo UI has build features for exporting table data to excel and pdf with Excel() and Pdf() functions. Functions are used as below. @(Html.Kendo().Grid(Model) .Name("timeGrid") .NoRecords() .Columns(columns => { columns.Bound(p => p.Field1).Title("Field1"); columns.Bound(p => p.Field2).Title("Field2"); columns.Bound(p => p.Field3).Title("Field3"); }).Groupable() .Sortable() .Excel(excel => excel .FileName("FileName.xlsx").AllPages(true) .Filterable(true) .ProxyURL(Url.Action("Excel_Export_Save", "Controller")) ) .Pdf(pdf => pdf .AllPages() .FileName("FileName.pdf").ForceProxy(true) .ProxyURL(Url.Action("Pdf_Export_Save&

File Upload uisng Jquery in C# ASP.Net MVC

There so many ways to upload files with jqueries in ASP.Net C#. One way is with creating XMLHttpRequest and another way is with FormData object. In this post i'll show uploading files and saving form data in one ajax call using jquery. Upload Files with Jquery in ASP.Net MVC C# First code for View which represents normal html code of form @model modelname File Upload File @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.File, new { @type = "file", @multiple = "multiple" }) Field 1 @Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Field1, new { @class = "form-control datepicker" }) @Html.ValidationMessageFor(m => m.Field1) Submit MVC Controller Code for Saving File In controller create action method with two arguments one is for formdata and another one is for List of HttpPostedFileBase Class which represents multiple files that you select. public JsonResult SaveFilesWithFormData(ModelName FormData, List Of HTTPPostedFileBase Files) //Model Name rep

Display image from byte array in ASP.NET MVC

There are many ways to display image from byte array in MVC as well as normal ASP.Net projects.In this post I'll explain couple of them. 1) Using BASE64 string of the image through ViewBag  The first way i s by sending a Base64 string as dataURL through ViewBag. As shown in b elow action method under consideration generates such a Base64 string of the image (often called Data URL) and then pass it to the view via a ViewBag property in MVC . public ActionResult Image() { string path = Server.MapPath("~/images/computer.png"); byte[] imageByteData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path); string imageBase64Data=Convert.ToBase64String(imageByteData); string imageDataURL= string.Format("data:image/png;base64,{0}", imageBase64Data); ViewBag.ImageData = imageDataURL; return View(); } The above code is a action method of Controller. In this action method it uses physical path of image and read all bytes of that image using ReadAllByte

C# Currency Converter using Google API

C urrenc y conve rsion in C# u sing Googl e API There are so many ways to convert amount from one currency to another currency like using google finance converter, Yahoo finance and rate-exchange . In this post i will show conversion using   Google Finance Converter. In b elow code, I create one WebRequest for Google Finance Converter which will return result of arguments which are attached with it. Get the response of WebRequest in form of Stream and stored it in streamReader (which is the object of StreamReader Class) . By using, Regex fetched converted amount with desired currency code and stored this result into a string variable and again using Regex fetched only decimal part from generated string. Hope this post will help you to get the exact result that you want. public string CurrencyConvert(decimal amount, string fromCurrency, string toCurrency) { decimal currency = 0; string convertedAmount = "0"; try { string

Allow only numbers in textbox jquery

For allowing only numbers in textbox using jQuery, you can create key-press or key-down or key-up event for textbox by using textbox id or class. In below example i used class name ("number") for applying validation to textbox.  You just had copy above code and paste where you want to apply numeric validation. For allowin g numbers with decimal points  

Url rewrite for non-www to www in C#

WWW version is very useful to make your web site easily searchable by web crawler also WWW version helps to increase your chances make your web site rank higher in SEO purpose. One common use of URL Rewrite is redirecting to  Many people are doing this for search engine optimization (SEO) so that search engines only see the one site, rather than two sites.  The goal is to set a permanent 301 redirect.  URL Rewrite works at the global level, or site level (or application level for that matter).  Where you apply it is really up to how you manage your server.  Either will work for a domain name redirect like this. You can choose to create the rules using IIS Manager, or using a text editor and updating web.config directly. For specifying non-WWW version to WWW version for your web site in, write below code in web.config inside system.webServer tag,

Check valid JSON String

To check whether entered string is in valid json format or not. Use below link. Check Valid JSON If you entered valid json string it will show output as shown in below image : If you entered invalid json string it will show output as shown in above image

MVC CRUD Operations Using jQuery JSON and LINQ To SQL Class

Step 1 : Database Create an EmployeeData table in a SQL database as in the following Step 2 : LINQ to SQL class Create a LINQ to SQL class to read data from the table as in the following: After using the Server Explorer and adding an EmployeeData table in the surface area as in the following: Now add a controller to the CRUD operations for EmployeeData. So open the Solution Explorer and right-click on the controller folder and add a controller as in the following: Step 3 : Controller  Now create a select controller, an insert controller, an edit controller and a the Delete controller as in the following: Step  4 : View Now create a view and a partialview on a right-click corresponding to the controller as in the following: 1. Index View (select data) In this figure see the view name is auto create, it's not changed. After selecting a Template and Model class as shown in the following figure. 2. Create View (Insert data) Create a vie

Back to Top using Jquery

You can use following links for applying back to top functionality in your web site, blog, etc. Back-to-top-button-jquery   Scroll to top readymade demos with code   Add-sticky-back-top-button-website    

Add google translator to website

For adding google language tranlator to your web site click on below link Add google translator to website Step 1 :   Enter your website url and select default language which you want to apply when your website loads first.    Step 2 :  Select languages which you want to use for your website to be translated.You select use all languages or specific languages, Select display mode for language translator display like vertical, horizontal or dropdown only. Based on your requirements select advanced options. Click on Get Code button to get code for translator plugin. Step : 3     Copy code from which shown in textbox and paste that code where you want to display translator in your website.